Online Criminal Justice Degree & Career Information

A degree from an accredited college or university is required for many jobs within the criminal justice profession. However, degree criteria vary by specific positions, and some jobs require additional training and certification. This page provides information for students seeking an online degree in criminal justice. Below, you will find details about degree options for criminal justice majors, the most popular careers in this field, and college programs and scholarships offered to students in different states.

Explore Online Degrees

Online degrees in criminal justice are widely available at all academic levels. These programs closely mirror their brick-and-mortar counterparts, and they frequently feature internship and field training portions that prepare students for professional environments. Visit the pages to learn more about different degree levels.

Associate Degrees

A two-year associate degree is often needed for entry-level roles in fields like law enforcement and law. Learn more about online associate degrees in criminal justice.

Bachelor’s Degrees

These pages cover some of the common courses found in online criminal justice bachelor’s programs, as well as graduation requirements and careers that typically require these degrees.

Master’s Degrees

A master’s degree is often required for supervisory roles in law enforcement, corrections, and other areas of criminal justice. Find more information about online criminal justice master’s programs, including capstone projects and field requirements.

Doctoral Degrees

Doctorate degrees in criminal justice can be useful for those who plan to teach college courses in this subject, as well as high-level leadership positions. Visit our guides to online criminal justice doctorate programs to learn more.

Browse By State

Criminal justice professions, including law enforcement, are typically regulated at the state level. As a result, college degree and training and certification requirements for these jobs vary from state to state. The pages below provide detailed information about state-specific criteria for criminal justice degree recipients, as well as scholarships that are open to state residents.

Choose Your State Below

Career Information

Criminal justice careers typically fall into one of two categories: law enforcement or legal. Law enforcement refers to the practice of criminal justice, like policing and those that deal with the causes of criminal behavior and society’s response to crime, like forensic psychology and criminology.

Legal, on the other hand, focuses on providing legal services to individuals and businesses as a legal representative or as a public official in the courts. Below, we have profiled the most popular career choices, along with their educational requirements.

Law Enforcement Careers

Legal Careers