Online Criminal Justice Degrees in Indiana
The job outlook for graduates with criminal justice degrees in Indiana is encouraging. The state’s expanding economy, favorable cost of living, and low unemployment make now a great time to pursue higher education in the state.
Over 30 schools in Indiana offer criminal justice degrees from the undergraduate to the doctoral levels, 15 of which are delivered online.
Over 30 schools in Indiana offer criminal justice degrees from the undergraduate to the doctoral levels, 15 of which are delivered online, giving prospective learners numerous options to complete their degree. In fact, job seekers who complete an online criminal justice degree in Indiana receive better salaries and greater career advancement than those with less education. Most police and probation officers, for example, earn higher starting salaries with a bachelor’s in hand, or additional bonuses for degree completion.
Indiana’s Department of Corrections allows degree holders to enter the field as correctional sergeants — rather than correctional officers — at higher pay rates. Earning a criminal justice degree online in Indiana also provides training for paralegal or court reporter positions, or for specialized careers like internet security and forensics. An online criminal justice degree in Indiana can also provide a background for graduate, law, and professional studies, opening up even more opportunities for advancement.
Earning an Online Criminal Justice Degree in Indiana
With a multitude of programs available, students should first consider whether a traditional brick-and-mortar school or online program best suits them. For self-motivated learners interested in completing their work at their convenience, an online program provides the necessary flexibility and autonomy.
Online learning has many other benefits, as well: students can continue to work full time or raise a family while completing their degree; courses can be completed whenever and wherever one has internet access; and most of Indiana’s online criminal justice degrees are competitively priced compared to their on-site counterparts. Additionally, online learners can take as many or as few credits per term as they can handle, and are eligible for the same financial aid opportunities available to on-campus students. Students in online programs can save further on transportation, housing, and other on-campus expenses.
As part of its commitment to increasing the number of working-age adults holding postsecondary degrees, Indiana collaborates with its colleges and universities to expand their distance learning options. Through the state’s affiliation with the Midwestern Higher Education Compact, Indiana students enrolled online at public colleges in any of the 12 member states have access to a variety of programs, simplified transfer credit policies, and in-state tuition rates.
Accredited Criminal Justice Programs in Indiana
Accreditation is one of the most important factors to consider in one’s degree search. For criminal justice degrees in Indiana to be accredited, schools must be approved by the Higher Learning Commission, one of six regional accreditation agencies for colleges and universities. Accreditation provides evidence that schools adhere to recognized standards of performance. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) provides a list of accredited institutions, and most programs publish their accreditation information on their websites.
For criminal justice degrees in Indiana to be accredited, schools must be approved by the Higher Learning Commission.
Schools generally receive either national or regional accreditation. The former is granted to vocational or technical schools — or those offering only online programs — and feature relatively inexpensive tuition and open admissions policies. The most respected and popular form of accreditation, however, is regional. Regionally accredited schools are more likely to have their transfer credits accepted at other schools, while graduate programs restrict admission to applicants who have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited school. Job applicants may also find that employers give preferential consideration to graduates from these institutions.
Finally, some criminal justice programs in Indiana may carry accreditation from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Students should know that federal and state financial aid is only available for schools that hold an ED-approved accreditation.
Education and Training Requirements for Criminal Justice Professionals in Indiana
Graduates of Indiana’s online criminal justice programs have several rewarding career paths available to them. An associate degree can lead to entry-level opportunities as police and probation officers, security guards, court reporters, or paralegals. A bachelor’s degree is the key to wider opportunities, however.
In law enforcement, a bachelor’s is usually the minimum educational requirement for detectives, forensic investigators, and Drug Enforcement Agency agents. Applicants for the Transportation Security Administration’s transportation security inspector positions can waive the on-the-job work experience requirement if they have completed their bachelor’s. Careers in supervisory positions, homeland security, border protection, crisis management, and information security all require at least a four-year degree.
For many law enforcement careers, an associate or bachelor’s degree is a terrific start. However, a growing number of specialized, technological and high-demand careers in areas like emergency preparedness, cybercrime, and internet assurance require graduate training. Many law enforcement and emergency services professionals must also earn certification or state licensing that requires training and/or continuing education. Additionally, as more opportunities expand throughout Indiana for criminal justice personnel of all kinds, educators and trainers that hold master’s and doctoral degrees will be needed to teach them.
Licensing, Registration, and Certification Requirements in Indiana
The requirements for licensing and certification in criminal justice professions vary by state and the type of position, and are periodically revised. Some criminal justice positions, particularly in law enforcement, are required to hold state licensing or specialized certification. Prospective employers and state agencies verify licensing and credential requirements for certain categories of employment, so students should research their intended career to learn more about what’s required.
The difference between licensing and certification can be confusing, and the terms are frequently used interchangeably. A license grants permission to practice an occupation under the jurisdiction of a local, state or federal agency. Licensing is mandatory for some law enforcement jobs, and the state imposes criminal penalties for working without a valid license. A license must be kept current and ongoing continuing education is required for renewal.
Some criminal justice positions, particularly in law enforcement, are required to hold state licensing or specialized certification.
In contrast to licensing, certifications are granted to individuals who voluntarily pursue professional training to move ahead in their careers. Certifications distinguish different occupations and provide opportunities for career advancement. Like licenses, they must be renewed periodically by the granting organization. Certificates are increasingly required for criminal justice professionals who want to advance in corrections, parole, and probation management positions.
For example, all law enforcement professionals who carry firearms must be licensed by the state, which requires a rigorous criminal background investigation and appropriate training. Private investigators, security guards, and agencies that offer these services within the state must receive licensing from the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. Meanwhile, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security coordinates several certification programs for emergency personnel, and the American Correctional Association offers four levels of certification to qualify correction officers in Indiana to advance into supervisory and managerial roles. Many criminal justice degrees in Indiana also offer career-focused certificates for academic credit — either as alongside their programs or as free-standing units.
Career and Salary Expectations
Career prospects for graduates with online criminal justice degrees in Indiana mirror national employment trends. Nationally, positions for police officers and detectives is projected to grow by 7% within the next decade, while the demand for paralegals, legal assistants, and forensic specialists is expected to increase much faster than other occupations.
The tables below highlight current employment levels and mean salaries for several popular criminal justice careers in Indiana. For example, the average salary for all protective services occupations in the state is $39,490 annually, with an hourly average wage at $18.99. Detectives and criminal investigators are the top earners in this category in Indiana, with police and sheriff’s officers earning the second highest salaries.
Clearly, post baccalaureate degrees substantially increase one’s earning potential: judges, magistrates and attorneys practicing in Indiana can earn six-figure salaries. Paralegals and legal assistants, who require only an associate degree, can expect expanding opportunities and an annual mean salary of $48,460. Careers in forensic science and other specialized positions that require advanced technological and graduate training are also in demand. In Indiana, forensic science technicians earn an annual mean salary of $58,040.
Finally, as the demand for criminal justice personnel continues to increase in both the public and private sectors, so does the need for postsecondary educators to train them. While the average annual salary for criminal justice teachers across fields is $52,250, these educators may command higher salaries depending on their degree and employer.
Protective Services Occupations in Indiana
Occupation | Employment | Average Hourly Wage | Average annual Wage |
Firefighters | 7,600 | $23.07 | $47,980 |
Fire Inspectors and Investigators | 170 | $24.58 | $51,130 |
Detectives and Criminal Investigators | 1,070 | $34.59 | $71,960 |
Fish and Game Wardens | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers | 11,920 | $25.60 | $53,260 |
Private Detectives and Investigators | 190 | $23.98 | $49,890 |
Security Guards | 17,530 | $13.33 | $27,740 |
Transportation Security Screeners | 370 | $18.19 | $37,830 |
Court and Corrections Occupations in Indiana
Occupation | Employment | Average Hourly Wage | Average annual Wage |
Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists | 1,720 | $22.70 | $47,220 |
Lawyers | 8,080 | $54.74 | $113,850 |
Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates | 770 | $57.63 | $119,870 |
Paralegals and Legal Assistants | 3,670 | $23.30 | $48,460 |
Court Reporters | 730 | $18.18 | $37,820 |
Bailiffs | 540 | $17.20 | $35,780 |
Correctional Officers and Jailers | 7,740 | $16.38 | $34,060 |
Other Criminal Justice Occupations in Indiana
Occupation | Employment | Average Hourly Wage | Average annual Wage |
Forensic Science Technicians | 280 | $27.90 | $58,040 |
Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary | 210 | N/A | $52,250 |
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Once you decide to pursue a criminal justice degree online in Indiana, the next step is figuring out how to pay for it. As a first step, be sure to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Several scholarships are also available to students with a record of academic excellence, community service, and leadership, while others are reserved for students who can demonstrate financial need or hold a particular career interest. Still others are restricted to residents of Indiana or students from certain racial or ethnic groups.
Criminal Justice Scholarships
Irlet Anderson Scholarship Award $2,500
The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) Scholarship $1,000
National Criminal Justice Association/Lambda Alpha Epsilon Student Paper Competition Varies
Captain James J. Regan Memorial Scholarship $2,500
Ritchie Jennings Memorial Scholarship $1,000-10,000
Scholarships for Indiana Residents
21st Century Scholarship Varies
Frank O’Bannon Grant Varies
Adult Student Grant $2,000
Children and Spouse of Indiana Public Safety Officers Full tuition and fees
Indiana University Provost’s Scholarship $1,000-8,000
Resources for Criminal Justice Students in Indiana
Law Enforcement Agencies in Indiana
- Indiana Department of Corrections
- Indiana Law Enforcement Academy
- Indiana State Police
- Indiana Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division
- Indiana Office of the Attorney General
- Indiana State Excise Police
Professional Organizations
For those currently enrolled in one of Indiana’s online criminal justice degrees, joining a professional association can be a good way to gain a competitive advantage in the job market. Professional associations at the national and state levels bring together criminal justice practitioners, policymakers, and educators, providing members resources to internships, job banks, mentoring, and other career support. They also provide opportunities to expand personal and professional networks. Student memberships are often available at reduced rates.
American Correctional Association
Representing the interests of corrections professionals, the ACA establishes standards for accrediting corrections organizations. ACA offers training programs and administers the Certified Corrections Professional Certificate program.
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Boasting a membership of over 2,800 educators, researchers and professionals, ACJS is one of the largest criminal justice associations in the nation. It sponsors conferences, publishes research, and administers the ACJS certification program.
Indiana Paralegal Association
IPA offers networking opportunities, a job bank, and information on national and local trends affecting the profession. It sponsors the IPA salary and needs survey, certification training, and professional development opportunities.
Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police
IACP provides continuing education and networking opportunities that promote professionalism for law enforcement executives in the state of Indiana. It sponsors legislative briefings and training workshops for police chiefs.
Indiana Association for Addiction Professionals
Membership in this organization is open to professionals who work in the fields of addictions and substance abuse counseling throughout the state. It provides certification information and a forum for networking and continuing education.
Indiana Criminal Justice Association
Open to professionals, educators, and students from all areas of criminal justice, ICJA works to raise professional standards in the delivery of rehabilitative and treatment services throughout the state of Indiana. It also sponsors training and professional development opportunities.
Find Criminal Justice Jobs in Indiana
- Indiana Judicial Branch
- Indiana Department of Corrections
- The Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana, Inc.
- Police Jobs Info.
- Indiana Paralegals Association